At we want to make sure that the products that we represent can offer top quality performance for your hunting or fishing trip that you expect. Therefore we are field testing these products in actual hunting and fishing situations in an attempt to offer the highest quality service that we can for you.
NOTICE: So that we can continue to work with the best hunting and fishing equipment available and give you a detailed description of our experiences, please let any company that you contact through our service know that you read their review on the website.
Thank you and enjoy.
Dan Wennerlind
(Click On the Images Below To Read The Product Reviews)

DOA Decoys – Floater Decoys
We field tested the new DOA Decoys – Canada goose and Mallard floater decoys for an entire hunting season. We started in the Early Goose Season in September with the Canada goose floaters and ran them through freeze up in late November on wary Canada geese and late season greenheads. We were very impressed with the results. Not only did the decoys hold up well, but the results were amazing!

MudBob Water Walker
We had a chance to field test the new MudBob Water Walker for an entire hunting season. We were very impressed to say the least. It not only allowed us to access to very hard to reach hunting spots, but also allowed us to paddle across open water and made hiding once we reached our destination a breeze. The biggest selling point was we killled ducks using the product!

OZTENT’S Camping Sleep System
We had an opportunity to field test the OZTENT camping sleep system on a recent winter elk hunting trip to the Colorado Rockies in November. Based out of a wall tent camp, we were able to put the OZTENT Rivergum fleece lined sleeping bag and self-inflating air foam filled mattress to the ultimate test. Sleep was much needed on this 8 day adventure and the OZTENT sleeping system did not fail. Click on the image to read the full product review!

SilloSock’s Ghilli Blind
During a successful spring snow goose hunt we had the chance to field test the new SilloSock’s Ghilli Blind and found it to be a great addition our field hunting arsenal. The unique design of the three piece blind is made up of a corregated plastic backboard, the nylon liner and the Ghilli blanket. The lightweight, easy going backpack also gives you the ability to carry it on my back for miles.

BIPOD Shooting Sticks
We had an opportunity to field test the new BIPOD Shooting Sticks this summer at a local shooting facility. Before using the sticks we zeroed in a 30-06 dead on at 50 yards and 2 inches high at 100 yards. At that point we brought out the BIPOD Shooting Sticks and here is what we found

WildEar Hearing Boosters
We recently had the opportunity to field test the WildEar hearing boosters while at a gun range as well as on a hunt and were immediately impressed. “It was almost shooting light when I heard a snap and I was able to see a doe and a fawn. The amplification was incredible. When they stepped into the open I was able to range them at 137 yards. They sounded like they were 30 feet away!”

SilloSock Decoys
“We have been using Sillosock decoys exclusively for over 7 spring seasons now and have consistently harvested great numbers of light geese each season. On average we run between spreads of 1,500 – 2,000 decoys but have run as few as 700 and seen great results. What I really like about the new version of the Sillosock decoys is the new hook stake system that makes sure the stakes do not pull out of the decoys.

Spirit Water Decoys
The three aspects that we felt sets the Spirit Water Decoys apart from the crowd are: the outrigger keel system which allows the decoy to sit much low in the water, the high density foam bodies allow for a higher quality material and no chance of a sinking decoy, and third and most important is the fully flocked and custom hand painted finish on every decoys. The flocking material gives the UV light presence that is much more natural.

Rig ‘Em Right Waterfowl Products
We were able to field test four of the top Rig ‘Em Right Waterfowl Hunting Products. Those included two of the decoy anchor systems: the 30” length anchors and the 54” length anchors. We also field tested two of the decoy bags: the DP3 XL Decoy Bag and the 12-Slot Full Body Duck Decoy Bag.

Mathews Archery Products Helim Solocam Bow
We had a chance to field test the Mathews Helim Solocam Bow and WOW what a bow. From the first time we shot the bow after it was paper sighted in, it felt like a a perfect fit. It has a smooth draw and a clean release. we couldn’t have been more happy with the results.

Peregrine Field Gear Quick-Shot
We recently had the opportunity to field test the Peregrine Field Gear Quick-Shot during a late season pheasant hunt and were extremely impressed with it performance. Overall we felt the Quick-Shot by Peregrine Field Gear was a great product and something that we will continue to use in the field during the next hunting seasons. We would highly recommend the Quick-Shot for any serious upland bird or waterfowl hunter!

HHA Sports Archery Sites
We felt that the DS-XL5519 site by HHA Sports was incredible. There were no concerns with the attachment to the bow frame and there is not a chance for pins to loosen and slip with the single pin infused attached system. The overall construction of the site, with the inset level system and the adjustable distance wheel really make this site a work of art! Overall we have yet to find a down side to the DS-XL5519 archery site by HHA Sports. With the fantastic company reputation & customer service to back this amazing product line.

The Goose Tree By The Smart Stick Company
We had a chance to not only field test The Goose Tree through an entire season of hunting Canada geese in western Wisconsin, but was also able to spend time with and hunt with the inventor of the product Larry Juhl. In discussing The Goose Tree product with Larry we learned several key factors in its effectiveness before we went out into the field.

Dave Smith Decoys Canada Goose Decoys
We have been field testing the older original model of the lesser DSD Canada goose decoys through the past few hunting seasons and have incorporated the new A.C.E. Technology DSD Canada goose decoys this last fall to see how they compared to the original version. With an extremely impressive field test we definately would recommend the Dave Smith Decoys!

Assassin Hunting Gear Premier Hunting Apparel
We recently had the opportunity to field test the full line of Assassin Hunting Gear’s terrific hunting products in north eastern South Dakota during a spring snow goose hunt in April. Which has many hunters know battling the elements during a hunt like this is never easy. The tough, durable, and comfortable Assassin Hunting Gear proved to be extremely successful!

Twisted Timber Treestands Big Bruiser
During the recent hunting season we had the opportunity to test Twisted Timber Treestands! Immediately we saw that the ingenious design to be able to hang the treestand in virtually any tree that we could find was going to be a huge advantage. Our first thought was of all the locations we had wanted to put a stand in over the past few years, but had not been able to due to the tree not being straight, not a problem anymore!

Feather Flyers Products FlyRight Decoy Machine
We had an opportunity to hunt over the New Flyright Decoy Rotary Machines during the last spring snow goose season and really put the product to the test! We hunted over what would be considered the toughest hunting conditions possible, late season spring snow geese in April, in South Dakota. We field tested the Flyright Decoy Machine over a 3 day hunting period using a 6 bird machine set up next to a 9 bird machine during our hunt.

Dave Smith Decoys Turkey Decoys
We recently had the opportunity to field test the Dave Smith Turkey Decoy hen model and we were extremely impressed. The first attribute that we liked was how easy it was to transport in and out of our hunting location. The experience that we had while in the blind proved to us that this a must have decoy! In addition with the new A.C.E Technology the decoy is virtually indestructable.

Full Curl Duck Decoys By Aero Outdoors
We have been field testing the Full Curl mallard duck decoys for several hunting seasons. There are several key factors that we feel set these decoys apart over the traditional Brand X duck decoys that are available in most major sporting good stores. After a great hunt to field test these decoys we give the Full Curl Duck Decoys by Aero Outdoors the official stamp of approval!

S.W.O.M.P Mud Motors By Backwater Inc.
We have been able to use a variety of different mud motors and comparing Backwater Inc. S.W.O.M.P Mud Motors to other mud motor brands we were extremely impressed with its performance. Initially the ease of starting the motor with an electronic start system verse a pull start system was not only very simple but is reliable as well. With the impressive speed through open water or through weeds you waste very little time getting to your hunting spot!

Shine Box Turkey Calls
We first met call maker Eric Rice just after he won the 2011 Minnesota State Turkey Calling Championship. We were not only impressed with what Eric had accomplished but more so with the fact that he had done it with his own line of calls. Eric’s calls completely customized, they offer a very unique and authentic sound quality not available from many of the calls on the market today. Most importantly though, they are extremely effective in the field!

Swanson’s Versatile Pocket Hand Warmer
In our use of the Versatile Hand Warmer Pocket, we utilized the product during several cold weather waterfowl hunting conditions. However the fact that it is so versatile, as the name states, we found that it is extremely valuable in keeping your hands warm in most all cold temp hunting conditions, including deer hunting, upland hunting as well as ice fishing activities

Wild Wing Slinger Bird Cleaner
The Wild Wing Slinger is a bird cleaning device that has been field tested in SE Nebraska since the first spring snow goose conservation season started in 1998. The process of cleaning birds with this device is a fast, efficient and safe method. The end result is a clean breast of meat with a fully feathered wing attached to the breast bone which is legal for transport. A simple pull of the lever you have a cleaned bird!