BIPOD Shooting Sticks Product Review

BIPOD Shooting Sticks
Official Product Review Score: 26 / 30 “B+ Rating”
Functionality 4 / 5
Durability 5 / 5
Effectiveness 3 / 5
Variety 5 / 5
Price 5 / 5
Overall Product Satisfaction 4 / 5
Functionality | 4 / 5 |
We felt that functionally the BIPOD Shooting Sticks overall were able to perform what they stated they would do. They are a simple, lightweight and compact mechanism that allows the hunter to stabilize his firearm in situations where there is not a solid rest available. They offer the ability to shoot from a sitting, standing or prone position. The only down sides we saw to the functionality of the product was the ability to get the firearm in place for a quick shot. That may come with more practice as one becomes more familiar with the product but off the bat they were a little cumbersome to get into actual shooting position. The company does however provide an instructional dvd that is helpful in that aspect as well. We scored it a 4 / 5 in this category.
Durability | 5 / 5 |
The durability of the product is a non issue. There is really nothing to go wrong with the sticks short of being crushed if run over by a truck. They set up in a matter of seconds and break down just as quickly. Perfect score under durability!
Effectiveness | 3 / 5 |
The overall effectiveness of the shooting sticks start out great and then seem to taper off at longer distances. We had excellent results shooting at 50 yards. All of the shots fired were in the bulls eye. At 100 yards it started to get a little more difficult to keep the crosshairs on the bulls eye though, and we had a couple stray shots that missed the mark. This may have improved with further practice. The lightweight and compactability of the product that makes it easy to pack into the field shows a downside in the overall stability in long range shooting situations in our opinion. We felt that the product has a place and specific purpose and if used in those situations performs well.
Variety | 5 / 5 |
Due to the fact that the variety category is a non issue with this product line, we will not deduct any points for this category and will default to a perfect score.
Price | 5 / 5 |
The price point of the BIPOD Shooting Sticks is well within the budget of most avid big game hunters. Priced at only $39.95 for a set of sticks with carrying case and instructional dvd this is an easy add on to any serious hunters arsenal. Easy perfect score here.
Overall Product Satisfaction | 4 / 5 |
Overall we felt that the product, if used inside of its limitations performs well. The more practice the further the limitations will decrease, to a certain point. Overall we were happy with the product after understanding how to use it and knowing what we could expect from the results. We rank the BIPOD Shooting Sticks a solid 4 / 5.

- The BIPOD Shooting Sticks Are Very Light Weight And Compact
- The BIPOD Shooting Sticks Fold Up Into A Convenient Carrying Case
- The BIPOD Shooting Sticks Come With An Instructional DVD
- The BIPOD Shooting Sticks Are Very Durable And Set Up Within Seconds
- The BIPOD Shooting Sticks Are Very Reasonably Priced At Less Than $40.00
- The BIPOD Shooting Sticks Allow The Hunter to Shoot From A Standing, Sitting Or Prone Position
- The BIPOD Shooting Sticks Are Made In The USA
- The BIPOD Shooting Sticks Take A Little Time To Get Into Position To Shoot
- The BIPOD Shooting Sticks Loose Stability On Longer Shots
- The BIPOD Shooting Sticks Are Only Available To Purchase Online
- The BIPOD Shooting Sticks May Be A Little Cumbersome To Work With Until You Have Used Them A Few Times President Dan Wennerlind Field Testing The Bi-Pod Shooting Sticks

Target At 50 Yards- Solid Group

Target At 100 Yards- Mixed Results
BIPOD Shooting Sticks Product Review
by dan wennerlind
We had an opportunity to field test the new BIPOD Shooting Sticks this summer at a local shooting facility. Before using the sticks we zeroed in a 30-06 dead on at 50 yards and 2 inches high at 100 yards. At that point we brought out the BIPOD Shooting Sticks and here is what we found- First off, using the shooting sticks as a solid rest was much more advantageous than shooting freehand, that was a given. Secondly, when in the seated shooting position, the shooting sticks were just as effective as a typical bench rest when all of the other factors were the same. And thirdly we found the sticks to be very lightweight and portable in packing into a hunting situation.

What were the downsides? We felt the sticks did take some getting used to, in being able to set up quickly for a snap shot. However they do offer the ability to shoot from a sitting or standing position. And finally and most importantly, as seen in the photos taken below from our field testing results- we found that at 50 yards the sticks were stable enough to shoot a consistent group from a standing position, but the further out the target was, the less accurate we became. In a nutshell it was harder to hold the cross hairs on the target the further out we shot and at 100 yards 50% of the shots were dead on and 50% of the shots were significantly off the mark, as seen below.
In conclusion, we felt that having the choice of using the BIPOD Shooting Sticks or not using anything else, using the shooting sticks is a much better option, especially since they are so light weight and compact. And in hunting situations of under 100 yards they are a great asset to have. However in long distance situations, from 200 – 300 yards we would recommend a more solid rest option for an accurate shot. We also felt that taking the time to practice using the BIPOD Shooting Sticks before a hunt is a must, to make sure you are comfortable using the product seamlessly when it counts!