Wisconsin Turkey Hunting – We’ve Endorsed One Wisconsin Turkey Hunting Outfitter For Premier Guided Wisconsin Turkey Hunts
World Class Wisconsin Turkey Hunts
Dear Hunters
We are currently in the process of interviewing several of the top Wisconsin Turkey Hunting Outfitters to fill this region. Please check back soon for information on our new Exclusively Endorsed Wisconsin Turkey Hunting Outfitter that will be able to offer you a fantastic hunt for this upcoming season. Thank you for your patience and understanding!
Also if you are, or know of a high quality Wisconsin Turkey Hunting Outfitter that you feel would be able to provide the caliber of service that the HuntTheNorth.com organization represents, please shoot us an email and we would be more than happy to look into their service as an option. Click here to email us about that option….
Thank you very much and we look forward to helping you book your next Wisconsin Turkey Hunting Adventure!

Officially Endorsed Wisconsin Turkey Outfitter
Specializing In Fully Guided Wisconsin Turkey Hunts

Hideaway Hollow Outfitters
Outfitter: Matt Raley
Phone: 1.715.347.4868
Email: hideawayhollow@huntthenorth.com
Hideaway Hollow Outfitters Wisconsin Turkey Hunts Offer
- High Quality – High Success – Fully Guided Wisconsin Turkey Hunts
- Guided Turkey Hunts In Wisconsin Turkey Hunting Zones 1 & 3
- Left Over Turkey Tags Are Usually Available In Our Areas
- We Offer Turkey Hunts In Two Areas- Stevens Point And Potosi, WI
- 30,000 Acres – Pro Guides – Custom Taxidermy Turkey Decoys
- Most All Of Our Past Hunters Have Had Opportunities At A Gobbler
- Offering Spring Turkey Hunts From $350.00 Per Hunter Per Day
- Also Offering Fall Mississippi River Duck Hunts- Canvasbacks
- Now Taking Reservations For The 2019 / 2020 Hunting Seasons

Wisconsin Turkey Hunt Special
Mention HuntTheNorth.com At Booking And Save $25 On A
Wisconsin Turkey Hunt!

During the month of November we joined Matt Raley of Hideaway Hollow Outfitters for a unique waterfowl hunting experience, targeting the King of ducks, the mighty bull Canvasback on Pool 9 of the Mississippi River in south western Wisconsin. Hunting out of Matt’s 20 ft custom boat blind, with an estimated 100,000 Canvasbacks on the river, this was the perfect setting. Click here to read all about our Wisconsin duck hunting experience with Captain Matt Raley….
Hunt The North
Check Out These Exclusive HTN World Class Hunting Adventures

Wisconsin Turkey Hunting
At HHO our guided turkey hunts take place in Wisconsin Zones 1 and 3. In Zone 3 the hunting location is centered around Stevens Point and in Zone 1, around Potosi, WI. Wisconsin has a 23% hunter success average for the Spring Wisconsin turkey hunting season, but my hunters in the Spring of 2007 had a 92% success rate with every hunter taking a shot at a bird. Ended the 2007 season with 11 toms and 4 jakes harvested. 2008 concluded with 10 toms and one jake harvested with a 73.3% harvest rate, with misses it would have been 93.3%. 100% of hunters had toms within 45 yards. Spring of 2009 ended with 12 toms harvested 2 jakes and five 5 misses. 2010 ended with 14 toms, and 4 misses. Resulting in a 95% opportunity rate. 2011 ended with 15 toms and 4 jakes taken, with 1o misses. Every hunter had a shot at a turkey. 2012 was another successful year with 15 toms taken!

A Typical Day
We will put the birds to bed the night before each of our guided turkey hunts and will know where they are coming in the morning. All of my Wisconsin turkey hunting adventures are conducted on over 30,000 acres of land which consists of private and public land; all of which is loaded with big Wisconsin turkeys. I will have multiple birds located for each hunt guaranteed. While hunting you will sit over my custom full-body mounted turkey decoys that the toms cannot resist. The major key for our high success rate in turkey hunting is the relentless scouting that we do throughout the spring, to make sure we are right where the birds want to be each day. Come take the guessing game out of turkey hunting and be prepared to have your heart pumping when we have long beards up close and personal!

ALSO OFFERING: Mississippi River Duck Hunts
I run stretch of the Upper Mississippi River that can hold up to 50% of the World’s Canvasback population during peak migration. This area is also Nationally Rated one of the top diver locations in the United States. I run a heated, 20′ boat and custom blind that can haul a couple hundred decoys, gear, along with four hunters and myself safely. You will be hunting over large, magnum decoy spreads. I am a very good duck and goose caller since I also work for Buck Gardner game calls as a field staffer. I have also learned a few tricks of the trade over the years to set myself above the rest. While on the hunt you can help set decoys if you would like to take an active part in the hunt. I also provide a great hot breakfast which I cook on the boat each morning. Full day hunts will run from before sunrise till around 1 pm.
Lodging & Meals
For my Wisconsin turkey hunting adventures, there are many hotel and motel options in the Stevens Point area. I have a few listed in the information that I will send you at time of booking, but if you would like contact information to any other area hotels I will be glad to give it to you.
For my Mississippi River Duck hunts I would recommend staying at the Grandview Motel in Ferryville, WI. That location is located just a few blocks from the boat landing that I primarily use. If you are looking for a hunting lodge style atmosphere there is the Duck Inn Lodge located in Prairie du Chien. If you need more options, I can help point you in the right direction to one of the many motels and hotels located in Prairie du Chien.
Hunting Rates And Packages
Wisconsin Turkey Hunting
Pricing is based on one on one or two on one guiding. For each day the price is $350 for the first turkey, per day booked. If you have more than one tag or your partners tag and the first turkey is harvested before 2 pm an additional charge of $200 per day will be billed to continue hunting for the second turkey. Wounded game policy is in effect while turkey hunting. If the turkey is not recovered and if the guide feels that the turkey was hit that will be considered lost game. The turkey hunt can continue but the charge for a second turkey will be enforced.
Mississippi River Duck Hunts
DDaily Hunter Rate: $200 per hunter (Sept / Oct dates). $250 per hunter (Nov / Dec Dates). A hot breakfast will be prepared for you on the boat. Wisconsin Duck Hunts will run until around 1:00 pm daily.
Wisconsin Turkey Hunting

About The Outfitter
My name is Capt. Matt Raley. I am a 28 years old. I started guiding at the age of 16 taking friends out turkey hunting. During my college years I started guiding field goose hunts along with a few turkey and duck hunts. In the summer months I worked for a fishing club in Northern WI guiding fishing trips. After two years of that I decided to license my company and get my U.S Coast Guard captains license. I started guiding waterfowl hunts on the Mississippi River during my last year of college. After college I decided to make guiding my full time career. Now I run spring Wisconsin turkey hunts, as well as duck hunts and fish in Wisconsin. After the Wisconsin waterfowl season is over I head to Texas and team up with Coastal waterfowl at Castaway Lodge to guide waterfowl and fishing trips.
Hideaway Hollow Outfitters
Outfitter: Matt Raley
Phone: 1.715.347.4868
Email: hideawayhollow@huntthenorth.com
Website: hideawayhollowoutfitters.com
To book this hunt or for detailed information about hunting with Hideaway Hollow Outfitters, please email hideawayhollow@huntthenorth.com
Please Be Sure To Include The Best Contact Phone Number As Well As Any Specific Details That Are Important To You Or Your Group And We Will Assure A Prompt Response!
More about huntthenorth.com’s turkey hunting adventures…
Endorsed Turkey Hunting Outfitters Across North America!