Official Product Review On Rig ‘Em Right Waterfowl Products – We Field Tested The Rig Em Right Anchors & Decoy Bags
Product Review On Rig Em Right Waterfowl Hunting Products

Rig ‘Em Right Waterfowl Products
Official Product Review Score: 27 / 30 “A Rating”
Functionality 5 / 5
Durability 4 / 5
Effectiveness 5 / 5
Variety 4 / 5
Price 4 / 5
Overall Product Satisfaction 5 / 5
Functionality | 5 / 5 |
We field tested two specific product lines. The unique Rig ‘Em Right decoy anchor system and the Rig ‘Em Right decoy bags. Functionally both passed with flying colors. Using the decoy anchor system we were able to set up a spread of 36 decoys in less than 5 minutes and pick them up in less than 10 minutes WITH NO TANGLED LINES. As for the decoy bags, we used the DP3- XL bags and were able to fit 36 floater duck decoys into 1 bag. We also utilized the 12 slot field decoy bag for our spread of lesser Canada goose decoys and felt both bags were 100% functional. They allowed us to carry large quantities of decoys in the most compact and efficient space possible.
Durability | 4 / 5 |
The durability of the decoy bags seem to be second to none. They have a heavy stitching and a high quality fabric. Compared to many of the decoy bag manufactures on the market today the decoy bags passed the durability test with no hiccups. The decoy anchor systems are also very durable as well. The only weak point was the clasp that attaches the decoy to the weighted line but that was not much of an issue. Other than that these products are virtually dummy proof.
Effectiveness | 5 / 5 |
In using the 30″ decoy anchor system, as long as we were able to wade in the water we could use them with very fast and easy set up and pick up. We were virtually able to set up a spread of 3 dozen decoys as fast as we could throw them. It was also nice that the 30″ length anchors did not tangle with other decoys as wherever they land, they stayed. We also tried the 54″ length anchors in deeper water set ups and found those to be a little tougher to throw with the extra length. They also tangled up a bit if stored in an actual bag which is not necessary. Overall they were very effective as long as we knew the depth of the water we were hunting beforehand. The decoy bags were very straight forward and worked great.
Variety | 4 / 5 |
The Rig ‘Em Right product line up seems to cover all the bases. For the full body decoy spreads they offer everything from a 4 slot full body goose decoy bag to a 6 slot and 12 slot bags. They also offer 12 slot bags for both field and water duck decoys as well. In addition they offer standard duck decoy bags that can hold from 1 dozen to 4 dozen decoys with a square bottom and a clasp at the top as well as shoulder carrying straps. We were able to carry 2 dozen full body lesser Canada goose decoys into the field per person using the 12 slot field decoys bag set up, allowing 2 hunters to carry 4 dozen decoys into the field in 1 trip. As for the decoy anchor set ups- again they have the standard shorter 30″ lengths that work best when shallow water is being hunted as well as the 54″ lengths ans the 60″ lengths. Also for the deep water diver duck hunters, the long line rig set up is available.
Price | 4 / 5 |
Looking at the price of setting up an entire spread using the Rig ‘Em Right System initially we thought it to be a little more than expected but when we compared decoy anchor prices on the market today the pricing was very comparable and we felt this anchor system was of a higher quality than a comparable product. We felt that the decoy bag pricing was in line with the market pricing as well while being of a higher quality construction and material. The pricing for 1 dozen 30” anchors is $34.99. The pricing for 1 dozen 54” decoy anchors is $39.99 and 1 dozen 60” decoys anchors is $47.99. The Standard Size DP3 Decoy bag with a 24 decoy carrying capacity is $52.99 and the DP3 Xl Decoy Bag which has a carrying capacity of 48 decoys is $62.99. The Rig ‘Em Right Products are available in many retail stores such as Cabelas and the company offers Free Shipping on most of their products through their website.
Overall Product Satisfaction | 5 / 5 |
Overall we were very happy with the use of these products. We had to do a little trial and error to find the best set up for the specific hunting situation but once we decided on the 30” anchors and knew the limitations we were very, very happy with the use of the overall anchor system and bagging system. This is the only way we have found to actually set up an entire spread of 3 – 4 dozen decoys in less than 5 minutes and even better being able to pick that spread up in less than 10 minutes. As long as we were able to wade in the water the decoys would hold which we found to be a good barometer. In addition using the 12 slot decoy bags for either smaller sized full body goose decoys or standard size full body field duck decoys, these bags are a no brainer and will last for years without ripping or tearing under normal use in our opinion.

- The Rig ‘Em Right Anchor System Is A Very Simple & Effective Anchor System
- The Anchor System Allows For Quick Set-up & Pick-up For Large Decoy Spreads
- There Are Four Anchor System Options – 30″, 54″, 60″ & Deep Long Line Rigs
- The D Ring Attachment Makes For Easy Over The Shoulder Carrying For Up To 18 Decoys
- The 12 Slot & 6 Slot & 4 Slot Bags Come In Several Sizes For Different Decoy Styles
- The DP3 Decoy Bags Offer Easy Storage & Carrying Capacity Of Up To 48 Decoys
- All Of The Rig ‘Em Right Waterfowl Products Are Well Designed & Constructed
- The Rig ‘Em Right Company Offers Excellent Customer Service & Shipping Was Fast, Easy & Free
- The Anchor Systems Come In Set Lengths Making It Tough For Hunting Unknown Water Depths
- The Three Pre-Set Anchor Lengths Are Either 30″, 54″ Or 60″ Lengths
- We Found That After Extended Use The Clamp That Attaches The Anchor To The Decoy May Bend Making It A Weak Point
- The 54″ & 60″ Anchors Were A Little Cumbersome to Use And Were More Apt To Tangle If Stored Inside Bags
- The DP3 XL Decoy Bags Were Very Heavy When Filled To Capacity Of 48 Decoys & Were Better Used To Organize A Boat Set-up

The Rig ‘Em Right DP3 XL Decoy Bag

This Bag Holds Up To 48 Standard Decoys
Product Field Testing
We were able to field test four of the top Rig ‘Em Right Waterfowl Hunting Products. Those included two of the decoy anchor systems: the 30” length anchors and the 54” length anchors. We also field tested two of the decoy bags: the DP3 XL Decoy Bag and the 12-Slot Full Body Duck Decoy Bag.
In comparing the useage of the two different length anchor systems we were most impressed with the shorter length 30” anchors.

What we found in field testing the 30” anchor system was that first off, if we were able to wade into the water to set the decoys we were able to use the 30” length anchors. That is how we decided if we were able to use those anchors. Secondly it only took a matter of about 5 minutes per dozen to attach the anchors to the decoys and it is nice that there are no knots to tie or come undone in set up and they come off just as easy and quickly. Then we were able to carry up to 18 decoys over the shoulder in a carry in situation without having to worry about a decoy bag on our backs as the decoys are all attached to a D-Ring and the cable length was short enough where it was not a burden to carry. Next what we found to be most rewarding in using the Rig ‘Em right anchor system was the ease of set up and pick up. Literally all we had to do was pick up a dozen decoys which were all attached to a D-Ring, unclip the decoys from the D-Ring and start throwing the decoys exactly where we wanted them. With the 30’ length anchors the decoys stayed exactly where we threw them and they did not tangle or swing into other decoys so no decoys were touching or getting tangled up, like what normally happens with the traditional decoy anchor systems. Picking up the spread was just as easy in that we carried the D-Ring in one hand and just went around and attached the cable to the D-Ring and didn’t have to worry about winding anchor lines and putting the decoys in a bag. It was basically as fast as we could pick up a decoy and move to the next one. We were able to set 36 decoys in less than 5 minutes and pick up the spread in less than 10 minutes.
In using the 54” anchor length systems. The set up and pick up was similar however it was a little more challenging to actually toss the spread out, so we needed to set the spread like a traditional set up. Also the decoys had more room to sway into each other with the longer length cable but we were able to hunt deeper waters without worrying about losing any decoys. We also found that with the longer cables it took a little bit longer to untangle the decoys in set up and we were not able to carry those into a walk in spot. Overall though in comparison to the traditional decoy anchor systems, especially in shallow hunting conditions, you just can’t beat the Rig ‘Em Right anchor system in our opinion.
In field testing the two different decoy bags, we found both to be very well put together and designed effectively. In comparing the construction and the fabric used in making the bags, with other leading brands on the market today we felt hands down that these bags were a much higher quality than anything else on the market at this time. They also had several unique features that we liked. With the DP3 XL Bag we really liked the fact that it had a square bottom and that it fit up to 4 dozen standard sized duck decoys with the top open and 3 dozen if we wanted to latch the top. Although it was unlikely to use with the large bag, the smaller standard sized DP3 Decoy Bag which holds 24 decoys closed or 36 decoys open, there are carrying straps on the bottom so you could carry a bag of decoys into a walk in area if needed. But what we liked best about the DP3 XL Decoy Bag was the fact that in combination with the 30” Decoy Anchors we were able to store 3 – 4 dozen decoys in each bag, in a boat set up and have all the decoys stored in an organized fashion, ready to go at a moments notice.
The final decoy bag system we incorporated into our hunting set up was the 12-Slot Full Body Duck Decoy Bag. For our purposes we used that bag to hold our spread of lesser Canada goose full body decoys. This bag is also very well made and designed. We were able to carry out 2 dozen full body goose decoys per hunter into a field set up. We were also able to place 4 dozen full body decoys into a short bed pick up truck without having to worry about decoys blowing out the back end. In addition to the lesser Canada goose decoys these bags are perfect for holding all brands of full body duck decoy and full body snow goose decoys. Rig ‘Em Right also makes several other full body goose bags for the larger full sized Canada goose decoys in a 6-Slot and 4-Slot bag as needed. See their website for more details on those products. In conclusion we were very satisfied overall with all of the Rig ‘Em Right Products and would not hesitate to recommend those to anyone.